a blank — a way
the decomposed body — seedpod
round — churn (ed) (ing)
split liberty — anti-conscientious revising
rubious leafblush — tailstem autumn dragon
a voyage not taken — double
indicators along the magnetic line (to)
brusque — spiny — arcades where lovers past are waiting
l — loosened / leftover /
lingering — needlepoint of noose
claw — mark — linguistic sign
bone — a button
snowapple — ovarian pomegranate
footless astronaut — hangman
brush — claw — saw-edge — blue —
— black
color test — for patriotic
nationalism in the landscape of Mondrian
false valentine — disgraced
plastic daisy
steel token over olive wood —
Note: the photos by Christine Zufferey are connected by a
thick green line painted on the wall. They hold together, are tied, linked, and
yet their connections to each other raise more questions than answers. From
that arose this associative word-image exercise, keeping the long dashes as a
kind of parallel to her green line.
Esther Hiepler’s photos are on display at The Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, until 8
January 2017.
For more, see Esther Hiepler's home site: The artist’s home website: http://www.pluriversum.ch/
For more, see Esther Hiepler's home site: The artist’s home website: http://www.pluriversum.ch/